The academician Jorgo Bulo passes away
Dear friends, With deep sorrow we were informed that our friend and associate, academician Jorgo Bulo, died in Përmet (Albania) on...
Greece and the Albanian-Greek relations in the Albanian print media 2014
Greece and the Albanian-Greek relations in the Albanian print media 2014 (Report presentation) June 9, 2015, 11.00 AM Europa Conference...
GLOSSA-GLUHA Një mik i vjetër rishfaqet Ένας παλιόφιλος επανεμφανίζεται
Πριν 15 χρόνια σάλπαρε απ' την Αθήνα το ενημερωτικό φυλλάδιο "Glossa-Gluha" της Ελληνοαλβανικής Φιλολογικής Ένωσης. Εκδόθηκαν μόνο τρία...
Numrat e parë të gazetës / τα πρώτα τεύχη του ενημερωτικού φυλλαδίου "ΓΛΩΣΣΑ ~ GLUHA"
Si fillim po ju postoj tre numrat e parë dhe të vetëm të buletinit informativ "Glossa-Gluha" që dolën në trajtë të shtypur. Lexim të...