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A Journal of Philological Studies

Revistë e studimeve filologjike

ΠεριοδικÏŒ φιλολογικÏŽν μελετÏŽν



ISSN: 1108-846X

On line & Print Edition


This issue contains a selection of the

of the 2nd International Conference of Greek-Albanian / Albanian-Greek Studies

(ICGAS II, Tirana, March 27th-28th, 2015)


Table of contents


Mansaku Seit. 2018. On the Position of Albanian between Greek and Latin on a Prehistoric Level (In Albanian with an English Summary). Albanohellenica 6, 9-21.  


Topalli, Kolec. 2018. The Greek Religious Loanwords in Albanian  (In Albanian with an English Summary). Albanohellenica 6, 23-31. 


Novik Aleksandër A. & Sobolev Andrej N. 2018. Ethnolinguistic researches in Himarë and in Vurg region (2014 expedition materials) (in Albanian). Albanohellenica 6, 33-47. 


Brown, Christopher G. &  Joseph, Brian D. 2018. On Hybrid Forms in Language Contact: Some evidence from the Greek of Southern Albania. Albanohellenica 6, 49-57. 


Spiro, Aristotel. 2018.  Common Features between Albanian and Modern Greek Dialects (In Albanian with an English Summary). Albanohellenica 6, 59-79. 


Müller, Daniela. 2018. Cue weighting in the perception of phonemic and allophonic laterals along the darkness continuum: Evidence from Greek and Albanian. Albanohellenica 6, 81-95


Chionidou, Anastasia & Nicolaidis, Katerina. 2018. Voice onset time production in Albanian and Greek initial voiceless stops. Albanohellenica 6, 97-108. 


Serakioti, Dimitra & Haimeli, Elena. 2018. Intensity in the Greek and the Albanian language: A comparative study (In Greek with an English Summary). Albanohellenica 6, 109-120. 


Kapia, Enkeleida. 2018. Clitics as a measure of specific language impairment in Greek-Albanian children. Albanohellenica 6, 121-134. 


Chatzidaki, Aspasia & Maligkoudi Christina & Mattheoudakis Marina. 2018. Albanian Mother Tongue courses in Thessaloniki, Greece: parents’ perspective. Albanohellenica 6, 135-150. 


Tsimpli, Ianthi & Andreou, Maria & Kaltsa Maria& Kapia, Enkeleida. 2018. Albanian-Greek Bilingual Children in Albania and Greece: the Effects of Mother-Tongue Literacy/Education on Cognitive Abilities. Albanohellenica 6, 151-157.


Tsiamouri, Frideriki. 2018. On the Acquisition of Greek Discourse Markers in Written Texts of the Albanian Speaking Pupils of Greece (In Greek with an English Summary). Albanohellenica 6, 159-171.


Delikari, Paraskevi. 2018. Video-stories from the Life of the Immigrants in Crete: Boundaries and Paradoxes of a Social Boosting Intervention (In Greek with an English Summary). Albanohellenica 6, 191-204.


Giakoumis, Konstantinos. 2018. Contesting the Sacred: Albanian Anthroponymy in Votive Inscriptions of 18th to 20th Century Artworks at the «Onufri» Museum, Berat. Albanohellenica 6, 213-234.


Rëmbeci, Andi & Çunga, Sokol. 2018. The collection of the old Greek imprints in the Albanian State Archives (In Albanian). Albanohellenica 6, 235-242.


Paci, Evalda. 2018. The Gospel of Matthew, translated from Greek into Albanian by V. Dorsa (London, 1869) (In Albanian with an English Summary). Albanohellenica 6, 243-253.


Dibra, Fatos. 2018. Religion-language-writing relationship in a bektashi defter of the second half of the XIXth century (In Albanian with an English Summary). Albanohellenica 6, 255-275.


Kalemaj, Ilir & Giakoumis, Konstantinos. 2018. The image of Greek-Albanian lingual & cultural relations in Albanian school history textbooks (1886-1939). Albanohellenica 6, 277-299.


Qirjazi, Dhori Q. 2018. «Plakustathi» or Thimi Mitko’s alter ego (In Albanian with an English Summary). Albanohellenica 6, 301-310.


Sinani, Shaban. 2018. Two homerists of the XXth century in a novel by I. Kadare: Milman Parry and Albert Lord as protagonists and characters (In Albanian with an English Summary). Albanohellenica 6, 311-331.


Lafe, Emil. 2018. Thimi Mitko, Fjalëtore shqip-gërqisht, gërqisht-shqip & ndihmesa të tjera leksikografike. përgatitur nga Dhori Q. Qirjazi (In Albanian). Albanohellenica 6, 333-336.


The Second International Conference of Greek-Albanian Studies (Tirana, 27-28 March 2015) (In Greek & Albanian). Albanohellenica 6, 337-354.


Xhagolli, Agron. 2018. Symposium in the memory of the Researcher Jorgo Panajoti (In Albanian). Albanohellenica 6, 355-361.


Spiro, Aristotel. 2018. Cavafy in Albania – A scientific, poetic, and musical Event (In Albanian). Albanohellenica 6, 362-363.


Spiro, Aristotel. 2018. Albanian-Greek linguistic cultural routes – A Scientific Conference on Translation (In Albanian). Albanohellenica 6, 364-365.


Obituary: Emanuil Kriaras  (1906-2014) (by A. Spiro) (In Albanian). Albanohellenica 6, 367-369.


Obituary: Shkëlzen Raça (1951-2014) (by L. Dushku) (In Albanian). Albanohellenica 6, 370-373.


Obituary: Jorgo Bulo (1939-2015) (by A. Spiro) (In Albanian). Albanohellenica 6, 374-376.


Obituary: Grigoriy Arsh (1939-2015) (by Maxim Kisilier) (In Greek). Albanohellenica 6, 377-378.  






Aristotle Spiro

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